Tag Archives: Euro

No news, good news … from the Rosbifs ?

So, whatabout this Brexit (or not Brexit), the new Prime Minister, all that British news ?

No comment … #Brexit


More (in French, sorry) : https://renaudfavier.com/2016/06/27/bref-le-referendum-netait-que-consultatif-cest-dailleurs-pour-cela-que-hollande-consulte-sur-le-brexit/

Reno – June 27th, 2016

To sink or not to think ? #FT #Europe #Brexit


Credit : Pinn / FT 16/04/2016

What do FT columnists think about it ?


Please don’t laugh at François Hollande … laugh at Hollande’s France … unless U prefer watch rugby

François Hollande Queen Elisabeth

Hollande is at work (or so he pretends and some of his family and friends pretend to believe to make him happy).

François Hollande

Credits : Placide

France is not.


Hollande is at (economic) war (or so he, many of his fans, and a few of his ministers believe).

Made in France

France is no longer at whatever war (was it ever since Trafalgar ?).


Credits : Deligne – Urtikan

Hollande has an arguably good sense of humour (though basically oldschool male chauvinistic, from Corrèze, with a 70’s touch, as he was a student then).

Hollande at War

French Village People Hollande Style at War against Rightist conservatism everywhere – Credits : Nicolas Dahan

Most of the French have an arguably a disastrous XXIst century style sense of humour, whatever their geographic origin, favourit gender, or political bias.

Manifs Paris France

Credits : Nicolaz

Hollande is an absolute loser, of course …

Skyfall Hollande

Bur France cannot always win (good rugby game, England, but have a nice week-end watching other naked bottoms shows on British TV) …

The French Love the Brits

Nobody’s perfect (especially current French President François Hollande) …

Renaud Favier – February, 2nd, 2014 – Facebook Café du matin à Paris

Let's Walk

Tax in France : so what, now ?


No, France is not a tax heaven, whatever tax credits, “niches” and loopholes they may have, grow or invent for entrepreneurs and rich people to stay and create jobs, finance innovation and buy or export “made in France” goods. Not yet.


And some rich and famous with brains, not only quite good football and rather average tennis players, have realized that the French borders, not to mention the Berlin Wall(s), are over.


But no, not all the rich and have of France rush to, or stay in Britain, whatever “Tapis Rouge” here and there.


Credits : Placide

And things may change in France, thanks to climate change and heavy raining and snowing in Europe.


Credits : Glabergen

Change for the better with the support of the best tax-experts and consultants.


Credits : Alex

Things may improve thanks to computers.


As France goes for world’s best practices, benchmark(et)ing and state of the art tax techno and propaganda.


Credits : Glasbergen

Things may improve step by step, after a few coffee cups in Paris-Bercy …


Things may really improve, if and when French tax ministers read English.


Lenine used to say “The Soviets are communism with electricity”. Nowadays France may be communism with a keyboard and coffee.

More about French attractiveness : http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/attractivite-france-quid-ici-et-maintenant/

More about French taxes : http://renaudfavier.com/2013/06/11/cest-le-grand-jour-le-grand-soir-cetait-avant/

More about French politics : http://occupyvousdefrance.wordpress.com

By the way, don’t forget, tonite is the deadline for French internet tax form.

Renaud Favier – June 11th, 2013 – Facebook Competitiveness – LinkedIn

Frenchonomics      Compétitivité 2012 couverture

I have a Franco-German Dream …


Should France and Germany merge into a single economic body, that would create the third economic powerhouse in the world, right behind the United-States and China, with 147 million people and a common GDP close to 6,000 bn dollars …


Of course, mega-mergers are management nightmares and big dreams may fail (small is beautiful, some have been saying and re-saying for a while), there are a few issues including Euro-things, some national political realities and quite a lot of economic constraints, to begin with, and of course not all French, neither all Germans, nor their neighbors and partners have that same dream, all the less, since even people who know well, or love, or both know and love well Europe, don’t necessarily feel like learning and speaking German, French or both on top of English or whatever works to survive and be reasonably happy in XXIst century real Europe.

Europe According to the United States of America

Source : unknown, probably not (pro)European, not German, not French

And of course, it may not be taken for granted, that nowadays’ French and German leaders could be up to the job (not everybody is Konrad Adenauer or Charles de Gaulle), or may at least manage to join forces and share visions to save the Euro(pe).


But what a Euro-Dream !


Besides, what else ?


Who else ?


Same old story ?


Remake of the same old story ?


Who can be against “Mariage pour tous” ?


Rainy (better, stormy) wedding, happy wedding, as the French saying goes …


Read more about the Beffa (France) – Cromme (Germany) report on competitiveness : http://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/france-allemagne-la-lecon-du-rapport-beffa-cromme.N198104

Read more about Germany and France solidarity : http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/2013/06/09/competitivite-lallemagne-peut-elle-se-rejouir-des-difficultes-de-la-france/

Read more about Europe, Euro, and other Euro-issues : http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/lor-allemand-sexile-lui-aussi-de-france-maintenant-syndrome-depardieu-ou-premices-dun-euro-or/

Read more about France, French cars and other French issues : http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/2012/11/03/la-competitivite-cest-complique-et-il-y-en-a-pour-qui-ce-sera-plus-complique-que-pour-les-autres/ ; http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/2012/12/05/frenchonomics-france-ta-bagnole-a-foutu-le-camp-et-a-ce-point-la-ca-devient-genant-dirait-audiard/

Read more about Germany, German car and other German issues : http://renaudfavier.com/2011/11/25/mad-in-france-quen-dirait-on-a-berlin/ ; http://renaudfavier.com/2011/01/13/mark-euro-economie-pour-les-nuls/

Renaud Favier – June 10th, 2013 – Facebook Competitiveness – LinkedIn

Frenchonomics      Compétitivité 2012 couverture

Frenchonomics, France and Competitiveness : the Trainee Syndrome


Most companies, in most countries, use unexperienced workforce, basically the way a forest grows, adapts and stays strong from new seeds and small trees. Some businesses do so, because it’s cheaper, or because they have to, like when the rookie is a boss’s child, when the law says you must hire young and labour, or where male chauvinistic executives like when a lovely female youngster goes to the coffee machine and/or xerox room for them. But the French have Frenchonomics (and “Grandes Ecoles”, and the French, and lots of other specifics …). They do it (whatever it may be) their own, quite different, French way. And they love ‘Trainees”.

Stage Crédit : inconnu

First, one must remember, that most French students waste their school time twitting and/or studying useless things, because as high school and university are basically free, nobody cares about what is taught, or not, and what is learnt, or not, provided young people take and pass some exams sometimes. Therefore, their only chance to learn some things that have a chance to be useful at some later stage of their working life (if any, but this is another chapter) is by spending some time within professional organizations.

Ecole Crédit dessin : © Tom

Crédit dessin : © Tom

Second, one must recognize, the French are sometimes very clever. Knowing their schooling system is insane, they have created all kinds of legal obligations to hire young people at bargain prices, and tax loopholes (which is vital in France, but this is in another chapter) for companies using trainees for coffee, xerox, or whatever works nobody wants to do in the organization, be it a real company, a charity, or an administrative whatever they may have in France.

stagiaire Crédits : Ray Clid

Crédit dessin : © Ray Clid / Bakchich

Third, one must admit, the young French are clever enough to try and survive in a hostile environment. Most of those who can’t get a diploma from one of those French graduate schools whereby you can become a civil servant forever with special benefits for retirement and no obligation whatsoever to either really work, or somehow succeed in what you do, to get promoted (which is specific to France, some family businesses and a few surviving communist paradises), try to get summer jobs (in French : “stage”) or other kinds of semi-real work with really semi-wages.

Stagiaire-1 Crédits : inconnu

Last, but not least, as there are fewer and fewer real jobs in France, as companies are less and less profitable (unless they are either B to G, or less and less French, but this is another chapter), and as people between 30 and 80 stick to their seats as if they could die, lose their pension, or worse, no longer be entitled to free lunches with “café gourmand” and company cars with leather seats in case they leave their office to go to the coffee machine or try to change jobs, nobody moves, like in duels in cow-boy movies, and young people between 20 and 50 have no choice but be trainees unless they can get unemployment benefits or escape to another country.

stagiaire-2 - Crédits : inconnu

The result is, not surprisingly, that most French companies, and most other French more or less public bodies and administrations involved in the global, economic war, consist basically of trainees, and a few graduates, most of whom have never really worked either.

4767eb0bbb1c2-d13d1 Crédits : Le Gendarme à Saint Tropez

Some French trainees make it to the top of some French business, just before standard retirement age, without ever having had a real working experience before (but not all, fortunately enough), but they do the job.


Most don’t make it to the real top, not even the top (or the bottom, for that matter) of normal enterprises, but some manage to reach French standard retirement age without having really worked at all, but with all kinds of fringe and retirement benefits.


Some trainees have a good, cool job, and they do it with a smile.


Some try and do a very, very hard job, under heavy pressure, and smile as they can, their own, different way.


But most long term trainees are just … long term trainees, which may at least partly explain why many French companies have experienced some difficulties (in French “sont à la traîne, voire à la ramasse”, compared to their German, Asian or American competitors to mention only a few, in France and the rest of the world.


The good news, for investors in Paris, or elsewhere in France, is that they still can hire real, experienced, English speaking, high flyers, provided they are ready to pay the price (and fringes, and taxes, and housing, and fooding).

High Flyer

Otherwise, French trainees between 20 and 80 can try and do the job(s), but most have little experience with foreign languages, are not used to hard … training, and have seldom practiced normal competition with money involved …


Renaud Favier – February, 26th (Paris Time), 2013  – Café du matin à Paris

Small Café 2013


In spite of all, 2013 is worth it : http://bonneannee2013.wordpress.com/

Some additional e-reading may be needed about XXIst century (or so they believe) artists, politicians, world, Europe, Euro-nomics, Euro-Fatcats, Eurocrats, France, Paris, the options for future Competitiveness in France in spite of all reports, elections, airports, funerals and funerals of reports, snowfalls or protests …
… about French Economics, French Politics, French Wine, French Climate, French Changes and other sad issues that may be of interest, even if of little importance for the real XXIst century in the real(istic) world.
Please click on hereafter pictures if you don’t wanna be a potatoe couch watching the weather forecasts on Fox TV and let others enjoy sun, success, beach, love, Champagne, French learning bashing whilst you seat back in your chair reading the Sun, the Guardian or even worse and more biased against civilisation, the Financial Times or the Economist.


Downloading some relevant pdf for printing is another option for readers with a taste for “real” paper books (or just no Kindle, but an iPhone, an iPad or whatever else works to e-read).

To “Compétitivité” : Please click : http://madeinfrance2012.wordpress.com/

To “change 2013” : Please click : http://bonneannee2013.wordpress.com/

Let's Rush Together !

To go to “Back in 2012” : Please Click : http://rf2012.wordpress.com/

To “France” : Please click : http://occupyvousdefrance.wordpress.com/

To “English Coffee” : Please click : https://bestcoffeeinparis.wordpress.com/

To go to “Café du matin à Paris” : Please click : http://renaudfavier.com/

To go to “U Are What U Read“: Please click :  http://cestalire.wordpress.com/

What’s up, (French) Euroc(r)at ?

731470_francois-hollande-s-exprime-devant-le-parlement-europeen-a-strasbourg-le-5-fevrier-2031 - Credits : Le Figaro

Yes, François Hollande made a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and French Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Marine le Pen applauded (or not). Yes we (French) can (talk to other French European representatives) ! Does real world listen ?


More (in French, sorry) : http://renaudfavier.com/2013/02/06/leurope-leurope-leurope-et-leurope-et-les-europeens-dans-tout-ca/

Renaud Favier – February, 6th, 2013  – Café du matin à Paris

Ps : but not everybody (and the Brits are not “everybody”) can speak French (neither understand the French …) and not everybody believes in French mirages, French miracles, French visions, or French oracles …


My goodness ! What’s happening in France, now ?


My goodness ! Have the French started a war against Africans again ? Read more about it here : http://renaudfavier.com/2013/01/15/la-france-est-elle-en-guerres-en-france-en-francafrique-en-francophonie-sur-twitter-inrealworld/

Renaud Favier – January 26th, 2013 – http://bonneannee2013.wordpress.com/

Bonus : It looks like it, doesn’t it ?




Germany and France will celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their “Entente Cordiale” in Paris


Of course, it’s not as glamorous as a Queen’s Jubilee, and The Economist, French citizens from French speaking  London and other France, Germany, and/or Euroland bashers may smile at “la souris accouchée par la montagne franco-germanique”.

Annee-franco-allemande-Cinquantenaire-du-traite-de-l-Elysee_largeLet’s read a bit more about it anyway :  http://renaudfavier.com/2013/01/20/la-cinquantaine-cest-un-bel-age-en-tout-cas-cest-de-circonstance-pour-celebrer-le-traite-de-lelysee/

Renaud Favier – January 20th, 2013 – http://bonneannee2013.wordpress.com/

Bonus : some may like more glamorous (and British) Jubilees.