Tag Archives: #Paris2014

France … reality tale


France is a fairytale country, where frogs talk (mostly French), women can work, decide their life, and vote. But, it can turn into a real nightmare, when French men decide for women (or play football), French politicians talk, or French frogs vote.


Frencholitics …

Renaud Favier – March 25th, 2014


The French have 36 000 towns, and almost a million politicians, but do they have a president ?

the-economist France French Elections Politics Humour

No comment … The French love themselves, eat strange food, prefer talking to walking, and voting to working. And Western Parisians are strange people, and odd politicians, even to French standards.

Beigbeder FaitDesTrucsBizarres Paris Politics France Joke 1er avril

More about the ongoing French elections (in French, but there are no words for that sort of things in XXIst century languages) : http://renaudfavier.com/2014/03/23/la-france-930-000-candidates-aux-municipales-et-pas-un-politicien-capable-allez-voter-quand-meme/

Renaud Favier – March 23, 2014 – Facebook Compétitivité – LinkedIn – English

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